Thursday, July 8, 2010

ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History

Introduction: About once a month (supply allowing), we post a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2009-2010). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. We also include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.Contributions are always welcomed offlist and are compiled into subsequent postings by the editor.

The usual caveats:

1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;

2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and

3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors).


Amundson, Ron, and Akira Ruddle-Miyamoto. "Holier than Thou: Stigma and the Kokuas of the Kalaupapa Settlement," _Review of Disability Studies_ 6(2010): 30-41.

Brozgal, Lia Nicole. "Blindness, the Visual, and Ekphrastic Impulses: Albert Memmi Colours in the Lines," _French Studies_ 64(3) (2010): 317-328.

Doyle, Dennis. "'Racial Differences Have to be Considered': Lauretta Bender, Bellevue Hospital, and the African-American Psyche, 1936-52," _History of Psychiatry_ 21(2)(June 2010): 206-223.

Howe, Blake. "Paul Wittgenstein and the Performance of Disability," Journal of Musicology_ 27(2)(2010): 135-180.

Mason, Jean S. "Walker Percy's _The Gramercy Winner_: A Memoir of the American Tuberculosis Experience," _Journal of American Culture_ 33(2)(June 2010): 107-120.

Olson, Marilyn L. "'Halt, Blind, Lame, Sick, and Lazy': Care of the Poor in Cedar County, Iowa, 1857-1890," _Annals of Iowa_ 69(Spring 2010): 131-172.

Piuva, Katarina. "The Meaning of Normality: The Controversy about the Mental Health Campaign in Sweden 1969," _Scandinavian Journal of History_ 35(2)(2010): 198-216.

Reagan, Leslie J. "Rashes, Rights, and Wrongs in the Hospital and in the Courtroom: German Measles, Abortion, and Malpractice before Roe and Doe," _Law & History Review_ 27(Summer 2009): 241-279.

Simonsen, Jane. "'The Large Household': Architecture and Civic Identity at the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant," _Annals of Iowa_ 69(Spring 2010): 173-206.

Ziegler, Mary. "Eugenic Feminism: Mental Hygiene, the Women's Movement, and the Campaign for Eugenic Legal Reform, 1900-1935," _Harvard Journal of Law and Gender_ 31(Winter 2008): 211-235.


Regina Morantz-Sanchez reviwed Mark S. Micole, _Hysterical Men: The Hidden History of Male Nervous Illness_ (Harvard University Press 2008) in _Journal of American History_ 97(1)(June 2010): 149-150.

Alan M. Kraut reviewed Susan M. Schweik, _The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public_ (NYU Press 2009), in _Journal of American History_ 97(1) (June 2010): 214-215.

Laura M. Zucconi reviewed Lisa Appignanesi, _Mad, Bad, and Sad: Women and the Mind Doctors_ (WW Norton 2008) in _The Historian_ 72(2)(June 2010): 492-494.

Hannah Tweed reviewed Susan M. Schweik, _The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public_ (NYU Press 2009), in _Disability Studies Quarterly_ 30(2) (2010): online here:

Kodi Scheer reviewed Brad Gooch, _Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor_ (Little, Brown 2009) in _Disability Studies Quarterly_ 30(2) (2010): online here:

Frederick Burwick reviewed Edward Larrissy, _The Blind and Blindness in the Literature of the Romantic Period_ (Edinburgh University Press 2007), in _Romanticism_ 16(2)(2010): 220-225.


Fredric Mintz (PhD, University of California, Berkeley 2010): "Hard Rock Miners' Phthisis in 19th and Early 20th Century Britain: From Diagnosis to Compensation" Advisor: Thomas Laqueur
Robert I. Goler (PhD, George Mason University 2009): "The Symbol of the Veteran Amputee in American Culture" Advisor: Mark Jacobs
Hyung Wook Park (PhD, University of Minnesota 2009): "Refiguring Old Age: Shaping Scientific Research on Senescence, 1900-1960" Advisors: John M. Eyler and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt

Ann T. Hamill (PhD, University of Cincinnati 2008): "Two Moral Universes: The Social Problem of Idiots from 1845-1855 and Mentally Retarded Sons and Daughters from 1945 to 1955" Advisor: Annulla Linders

Michael D. Fiorello (PhD, Trinity International University 2008): "The Physically Disabled in Ancient Israel According to the Old Testament and Ancient Near East Sources"Advisor: Richard Averbeck

Contributions received this month from: Dan Wilson, John Erlen, Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri (via DS-Hum)

compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability

ANNOUNCEMENT: New NARA reference paper on disability topics

From: Jean Bergey

[xpost from DS-Hum]

The National Archives and Records Administration has developed a Reference Information Paper (RIP) for researching disability related topics. This organizational document can help researchers wade through the mountains of historic material of the U.S. Government.

See the link below to the 109 page document by Archivist Frank Serene.

The paper can also be accessed by going to search down the right hand column to Research and Order then click on Publications; again search down the right hand column to find By Type and click on Reference Information Papers. The title is "Federal Records, Presidential Libraries, and Donated Materials Relating to Disabilities in the Holdings of the National Archives and Records Admistration."

Contact information at NARA:

Frank H. Serene, Archivist
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740