Introduction: About once a month (supply allowing), we post a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2011-2012). Most of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. We also include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations. Contributions are always welcomed offlist and are compiled into subsequent postings by the editor.
The usual caveats:
1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors).
Cross, Simon. "Bedlam in Mind: Seeing and Reading Historical Images of Madness," _European Journal of Cultural Studies_ 15(2012): 19-34.
Kornasky, Linda. "Disabling Modernism: Ellen Glasgow's _In This Life_," _Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers_ 4(2011): 73-100.
Leung, Colette. "Profile: The Living Archives Project: Canadian Disability and Eugenics," _Canadian Journal of Disability Studies_ 1(1) (2012): 143-166.
Reaume, Geoffrey. "Disability History in Canada: Present Work in the Field and Future Prospects," _Canadian Journal of Disability Studies_ 1(1)(2012): 35-81.
Turner, David M. "'Fraudulent' Disability in Historical Perspective," _History and Policy_ (February 2012): online, open-access, here:
Turner, David M. "Disability and Crime in Eighteenth-Century England: Physical Impairment at the Old Bailey," _Cultural and Social History_ 9(1)(March 2012): 47-64.
Dianne Phipps reviewed David Wright, _Downs: The History of a Disability_ (Oxford University Press 2011), in _British Journal of Learning Disabilities_ 40(1)(March 2012): 81-82.
Kathy Merlock Jackson reviews Jason Emerson, ed. and annot., Myra Helmer Prichard, _The Dark Days of Abraham Lincoln's Widow, as Revealed by her own Letters_ (Southern Illinois University Press 2011), in _Journal of American Culture_ 35(1)(March 2012): 78-79.
Max J. Skidmore reviewed Candice Millard, _Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President_ (Doubleday 2011) in _Journal of American Culture_ 35(1)(March 2012): 79-80.
Diego Armus reviewed Flurin Condrau and Michael Worboys, eds.,_Tuberculosis Then and Now: Perspectives on the History of an Infectious Disease_ (McGill-Queens University Press 2010), in_American Historical Review 117(1)(February 2012): 172-173.
Sally Crawford reviewed Joshua Eyler, ed., _Disability in the Middle Ages: Reconsiderations and Reverberations_ (Farnham 2010), in _Social History of Medicine_ 25(1)(February 2012): 263-264.
Dustin Galer reviewed Sonali Shah and Mark Priestley, _Disability and Social Change: Private Lives and Public Policies_ (Policy Press 2011) in _Disability & Society_ 27(2)(2012): 299-301.
Fred Pelka, _What We Have Done: An Oral History of the Disability Rights Movement_ (University of Massachusetts Press 2012).
Ora Horn Prouser, _Esau's Blessing: How the Bible Embraces those with Special Needs_ (Ben Yehuda 2011).
Contributions received this month from: Karen Fisk, Jay Dolmage (via DS-Hum), Kathleen Sheldon, David M. Turner, Tim Vermande, Linda Kornasky (via DS-Hum), Dustin Galer
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability