Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History

Introduction: About once a month (supply allowing), we post a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2011-2012). Most of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. We also include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.

Contributions are always welcomed offlist and are compiled into subsequent postings by the editor.

The usual caveats:

1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;

2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and

3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors).


Açiksöz, Salih Can. "Sacrificial Limbs of Sovereignty: Disabled Veterans, Masculinity, and Nationalist Politics in Turkey," _Medical Anthropology Quarterly_ 26(1)(March 2012): 4-25

Coleborne, Catharine. "Insanity, Gender, and Empire: Women Living a 'Loose Kind of Life' on the Colonial Institutional Margins, 1870-1910," _Health and History_ 14(1)(2012): 77-99.

Dawson, Maree. "Halting the 'Sad Degenerationist Parade': Medical Concerns about Heredity and Racial Degeneracy in New Zealand Psychiatry, 1853-99," _Health and History_ 14(1)(2012): 38-55.

Floyd, Barbara. "The Boy who Changed the World: Ohio and the Crippled Children's Movement," _Ohio History_ 118(2011): 72-90.

Hide, Louise. "Making Sense of Pain: Delusions, Syphilis, and Somatic Pain in London County Council Asylums, c. 1900," _Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century_ 15(2012): online, open-access, here:

Knewstubb, Elspeth. "'Believes the Devil has Changed Him': Religion and Patient Identity in Ashburn Hall, Dunedin, 1882-1910," _Health and History_ 14(1)(2012): 56-76.

Lindgren, Kristin A. "Contact Zones and Border Crossings: Writing Deaf Lives," _Biography_ 35(2)(Spring 2012): 342-359.

McCarthy, Angela. "Connections and Divergences: Lunatic Asylums in New Zealand and the Homelands before 1910," _Health and History_ 14(1) (2012): 12-37.

Sánchez, Rebecca. "'Scenes in the History of the Deaf and Dumb': Angeline Fuller's Strategic Sentimentality and the Development of an American Deaf Identity," _American Literary Realism_ 45(2)(Winter 2013): 133-145.

Vreugdenhil, Anthea. "'Incoherent and Violent if Crossed': The Admission of Older People to the New Norfolk Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century," _Health and History_ 14(2)(2012): 91-111.


Bonnie Evans reviewed Chloe Silverman, _Understanding Autism: Parents, Doctors, and the History of a Disorder_ (Princeton University Press 2012), in Psychoanalysis and History_ 15(1)(2013): 116-119.

John Swinton reviewed Darla Schumm and Michael Stoltzfus, eds., _Disability in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Sacred Texts, Historical Traditions, and Social Analysis_ and _Disability and Religious Diversity: Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Perspectives_ (Palgrave 2011), in _Religious Studies Review_ 38(4)(December 2012): 218.

Michael Clemente reviewed Michael A. Rembis, _Defining Deviance: Sex, Science, and Delinquent Girls, 1890-1960_ (University of Illinois Press 2011), in _Disability & Society_ 28(1)(2013): 134-144.

David S. Tanenhaus reviewed Michael A. Rembis, _Defining Deviance: Sex, Science, and Delinquent Girls, 1890-1960_ (University of Illinois Press 2011), in _Social Service Review_ 86(1)(March 2012): 169-171.


David A. Gerber, ed. _Disabled Veterans in History_ (enlarged and revised edition, University of Michigan Press 2012--contains three new essays and a new afterward).


Miguel J. Romero (ThD, Duke University 2012): "St. Thomas Aquinas on Disability and Profound Cognitive Impairment"
Advisor: Stanley M. Hauerwas

Jessie Rian Hewitt (PhD, University of California Davis 2012): "Isolating Madness: Doctors, Families, and the Gendering of Psychiatric Authority in Nineteenth-Century France"
Advisor: Ted W. Margadant

Jagdish Chander (PhD, Syracuse University 2012): "Movement of the Organized Blind in India: From Passive Recipients of Services to Active Advocates of their Rights"
Advisor: Douglas P. Biklen

Trina Larson (PhD, University of California San Diego 2012): "National Encounters and Institutional States of Exception: The US Insane Asylum and the First-Person Reform Writing of Mad Women, 1844-1897"
Advisor: Linda Brodkey

Contributions received this month from: John Erlen, David A. Gerber

compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability