Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: TOC: DSQ 28(3)(Summer 2008): Special Section on Disability and History

The just-issued and now fully free and open Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ) has an excellent forum on disability history full of articles of interest to H-Disability readers.


Special Section: Disability and History

Introduction: Disability and History--Audra Jennings

Historical Thinking and Disability History--Kim E. Nielsen

Disability in History--Douglas C. Baynton

The American Historical Association Task Force on Disability--Debbie Ann Doyle

The Revolving Ramp: Disability and the New Adjunct Economy--Alice K. Adjunct

Disability and the Academic Job Market--Sarah F. Rose

The Continuation of Slavery: The Experience of Disabled Slaves during Emancipation--James T. Downs

Risk, Disability, and Citizenship: U. S. Railroaders and the Federal Employers' Liability Act--John Williams-Searle

"The Savage Heart beneath the Civilized Exterior": Race, Citizenship, and Mental Illness in Washington, D.C., 1900-1940--Matthew Gambino