Monday, September 22, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: CFP History, Memory, and Trauma

In recent years trauma studies has emerged as an interdisciplinary field in the humanities and social sciences, drawing together scholars from history, anthropology, literary studies, disability studies, and other disciplines into a rich set of conversations about the nature and meaning of trauma. We have learned a great deal from these efforts, including the fact that the experience of trauma is deeply intertwined with the social and cultural forces through which people make meaning of the world, the fact that traumatic events cannot be conceptualized as independent of the historical process in which they occur (such as in so-called "natural" disasters), and the fact that memories of traumatic events (at both the individual and collective levels) are deeply intertwined with, but not the same as, historical narratives that document the suffering of the past. However, such conversations are largely distinct from the efforts of professionals who provide services to those who suffer from trauma, as well as the efforts of researchers who study trauma toward the goal of producing scientific knowledge about its treatment and impact. In our view,efforts to bridge these divides are sorely needed.

To this end, Traumatology: An International Journal seeks papers for a special issue on the theme of "History, Memory, and Trauma," to appear in September 2009. Traumatology is a leading, peer-reviewed journal for professionals who study and treat people exposed to traumatic events, including natural disasters, war, accidents, physical and emotional abuse, hospitalization, sudden job loss, and major illness. Its readership is composed of both researchers who study trauma and its treatment and health-care providers, social workers, and others who provide services to people who suffer from traumatic experiences. We seek papers that shed light on the relationship between past,present, memory, and the experience, treatment, and study of trauma from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including history,literary studies, disability studies, science studies, and anthropology. We also seek papers on this theme from professionals in the fields of social work, nursing, and other areas who provide services to victims of trauma. Our goal is to provide a vehicle for scholars, treatment professionals, and others to engage with one another about the meaning of the past and its relationship to the experience and treatment of trauma today.We are especially interested in papers that have significance for the treatment of people suffering from traumatic experiences, but papers that do not have direct relevance to treatment are also welcome. Literature reviews, critical interventions, and explorations of trauma in the past are also encouraged.

Please send short proposals for papers (200-300 words) to by October 1. Papers will be due by December 15 for peer review, with final drafts of papers due in March of 2009. Papers should be written in accessible language and appropriate for general readers. Target length for articles is 6,000-8,000 words, although submissions of different lengths will be considered.

Friday, September 12, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: Latest Issue of RDS now online

Volume 4, Issue 3 of the Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal is now posted online at A table of contents is listed below. Also visit our blogspot at to post a comment about any of the topics discussed in this or other issues of RDS. Subscribers of RDS will receive their print copies in the next couple of weeks. RDS is free online but a subscription is necessary to receive the print version. To subscribe to RDS go to

Research Articles

* Virtually Invisible Women: Women with Disabilities in Mainstream Psychological Theory and Research
Kristen Quinlan, Lisa Bowleg, & Susan Faye Ritz, USA

* College Preparation and Participation: Reports From Individuals Who Have Speech and Mobility Disabilities
Carole Isakson & Sheryl Burgstahler, USA

* Consuming Disability: A New Dutch System for Hearing Aid Distribution
Irene Olaussen, Norway

* The Role of Nonprofits in Shaping Civil Rights: Understanding of Disability in Families of Children with Autism
Dana Lee Baker & Leal Keiser, USA

Creative Works

* Poem: The Autism Mantra
Rama Cousik, USA

Book Reviews

* Leave No Nurse Behind: Nurses Working with Disabilities
Reviewed by Donna Maheady

*Face On: Disability Arts in Ireland and Beyond
Reviewed by Steven E. Brown

*Disability Harassment
Reviewed by Anna Kirkland

*Meaningful Exchanges for People with Autism: An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Reviewed by Patricia Wright

ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History

About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2007-2008). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.

She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:

"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;

2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and

3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."


Bernuth, Ruth v., "Über Zwerge, rachitische Ungeheuer und blödsinnige Leute lacht man nicht. Zu Karl Flögels 'Geschichte der Hofnarren' von 1789," _Traverse_ 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 61-72. [on early modern constructions of “dwarfism”]

Bösl, Elsbeth: "'…damit alle Behinderten – unabhängig von der Ursache ihrer Behinderung – den Schutz des Gesetzes haben…' Über Chancenungleichheiten und Hierarchien in der westdeutschen Behindertenpolitik." _Die Welt als Barriere. Deutschsprachige Beiträge zu den Disability Studies_, Hrsg. v. Erich Otto Graf/Cornelia Renggli/Weisser, Jan, Bern 2006, S. 57-65. [on disability policy and the welfare state in the FRG]

Bösl, Elsbeth, "Integration durch Arbeit? Westdeutsche Behindertenpolitik unter dem Primat der Erwerbsarbeit 1949–1974," _Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte_ (2006), Nr. 3, S. 113-123. [on disability policy, the welfare state and rehabilitation in the workplace in the FRD]

Brink, Cornelia, "'Keine Angst vor Psychiatern'. Psychiatrie, Psychiatriekritik und Öffentlichkeit in der Bundesrepublik (1960-1980)," _"Moderne" Anstaltspsychiatrie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Legitimation und Kritik_, Hrsg. v. Fangerau, Heiner/Nolte, Karin, Stuttgart 2006, S. 341-360. [on psychiatry and institutions]

Finnegan, Diarmid A. "'An Aid to Mental Health': Natural History, Alienists, and Therapeutics in Victorian Scotland," _Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C_ 39(3)(September 2008): 326-337.

Hannen, Christian, "Von der Fürsorge zur Barrierefreiheit. Die Hamburger Gehörlosenbewegung 1875-2005," Seedorf/Hamburg 2006. [on the Hamburg self-help group of people with hearing disabilities]

Kaba, Mariama, "Quelle place pour une perspective genre dans la 'Disability History“'? Histoire du corps des femmes et des hommes à travers le handicap," _Traverse_ 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 47-60. [on gendering disability history]

Mediratta, Sangeeta. "Beauty and the Breast: The Poetics of Physical Absence and Narrative Presence in Frances Burney's _Mastectomy Letter_ (1811)," _Women: A Cultural Review_ 19(2) (2008): 188-207.

Möhring, Maren, "Kriegsversehrte Körper. Zur Bedeutung der Sichtbarkeit von Behinderung," _Disability Studies, Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung. Erkundungen in einem neuen Forschungsfeld_ Hrsg. v. Waldschmidt, Anne/Schneider, Werner, Bielefeld 2007, S. 175-197. [on veterans with disabilities after WWII]

Ritzmann, Iris, "'Die der Welt und sich selbst zur Last sind': Behinderte Kinder und Jugendliche in der Frühen Neuzeit," _Traverse_ 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 73-86. [on children with disability in early modern Germany]

Rudloff, Wilfried, "Rehabilitation und Hilfen für Behinderte. In: Geschichte der Sozialpolitik in Deutschland seit 1945," Bd. 4: 1957-1966 Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Sozialpolitik im Zeichen des erreichten Wohlstandes. Bandherausgeber: Ruck, Michael/Boldorf, Marcel. Hrsg. v. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung/Bundesarchiv, Baden-Baden 2007, S. 463-502. [on rehabilitation and disability policy in the FRD]

Scharf, Lothar, "Taubstumme in der Hitlerjugend?" Fridolin W. erzählt. Biografie und Dokumentation zu Gehörlosen im 3. Reich, Heuenstamm 2006. [a biografical account of a boy with hearing and speech impairments in the Hitler Youth]

Waldschmidt, Anne, "Soziales Problem oder kulturelle Differenz? Zur Geschichte von 'Behinderung' aus der Sicht der 'Disability Studies,'"_Traverse_ 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 31-46. [on how to do research in disability history]


Abby Goldman reviewed Natalia Molina's _Fit to Be Citizens? Public Health and Race in Los Angeles_ (UC Press 2006), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 63(4)(2008): 534-536.

Wendy Kline reviewed Mark A. Largent's _Breeding Contempt: The History of Coerced Sterilization in the United States_ (Rutgers UP 2008), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 63 (4)(2008): 537-539.

Leonard Smith reviewed Roberta Bivins and John V. Pickstone, eds., _Medicine, Madness, and Social History: Essays in Honour of Roy Porter_ (Palgrave MacMillan 2007), in _History of Psychiatry_ 19 (2008): 374-376.

Edgar Jones reviewed Penny Coleman, _Flashback, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide, and the Lessons of War_ (Beacon Press 2006), in _History of Psychiatry_ 19(2008): 376-377.

Akihito Suzuki reviewed Joseph Melling and Bill Forsythe, _The Politics of Madness: The State, Insanity, and Society in England, 1845-1914_ (Routledge 2006), in _History of Psychiatry_ 19(2008): 377-380.

Chris Ball reviewed Jesse F. Ballenger, _Self, Senility, and Alzheimer's Disease in Modern America: A History_ (Johns Hopkins UP 2006), in _History of Psychiatry_ 19(2008): 380-381.

Susan Piddock reviewed James E. Moran and Jonathan Andrews, eds., _Madness, Architecture, and the Built Environment: Psychiatric Spaces in Historical Context_ (Routledge 2007), in _History of Psychiatry_ 19(2008): 382-384.


Healey, David. _Mania: A Short History of Bipolar Disorder_ (Johns Hopkins Press 2008).

Connolly, Cynthia A. _Saving Sickly Children: The Tuberculosis Preventorium in American Life, 1909-1970_ (Rutgers UP 2008).

Contributions received this month from: Elsbeth Bösl (who sent all the German- and French-language entries this month--but any mangling of punctuation is the editor's, not Elsbeth's)

Compiled byPenny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Planning ahead for Fall

For those of you who are in town and already planning your classes for Fall Quarter, please consider sharing your syllabi or at least your reading lists with me, or the librarian with whom you work most closely. Doing so will: 1. help ensure that the library has at least one copy of the materials your students will be reading, and 2. better enable the library to build our literature collections in ways that complement the teaching and research done at UCD. I assure you that I will not share your syllabi without permission.