Wednesday, December 16, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: 2009 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
Monday, December 14, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
Curran, Andrew. "Rethinking Race History: The Role of the Albino in the French Enlightenment Life Sciences," _History and Theory_ 48(3)(2009): 151-179.
Rohmann, Gregor. "The Invention of Dancing Mania: Frankish Christianity, Platonic Cosmology, and Bodily Expressions in Sacred Space," _The Medieval History Journal_ 12(1)(2009): 13-45.
Woloshyn, Tania Anne. "La Cote d'Azur: The terre privilegie of Invalids and Artists, c1860-1900," _French Cultural Studies_ 20(4)(2009): 383-402.
Jeff D. Corrigan reviewed Richard L. Lael, Barbara Brazos, and Margot Ford McMillen, _Evolution of a MIssouri Asylum: Fulton State Hospital, 1851-2006_ (University of Missouri Press 2007), in _Oral History Review_ 36(2)(2009): 273-275.
Mari L. Nicholson-Preuss reviewed Carolyn Smith-Morris, _Diabetes Among the Pima: Stories of Survival_ (University of Arizona Press 2006), in _Oral HIstory Review_ 36(2)(2009): 300-302.
Emma Moreton reviewed Donald E. Hardy, _The Body in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction_ (University of South Carolina Press 2007), in _Language and Literature_ 18(2009): 396-399.
Daniel J. Wilson, _Polio: Biographies of Disease_ (Greenwood Press 2009).
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Thursday, October 1, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
Berton, Mireille. "Cinéma et sciences du psychisme en 1900: la névrose, la paramnésie, la transe," _Gesnerus_ 66(1)(2009): 103-120. [In French; title is translated "Film and Sciences of the Mind in 1900: Neurosis, Paramnesia, Trance"]
Brittain, Ian, and Yeshayahu Hutzler. "A Socio-Historical Perspective on the Development of Sports for Persons with Physical Disability in Israel," _Sport in Society_ 12(8)(2009): 1075-1088.
Getz, Lynn M. "'A Strong Man of Large Human Sympathy': Dr. Patrick L. Murphy and the Challenges of Nineteenth-Century Asylum Psychiatry in North Carolina," _North Carolina Historical Review_ 56(1)(January 2009): 32-58.
Jensen, Joan M. "Silver City Health Tourism in the Early Twentieth Century: A Case Study," _New Mexico Historical Review_ 84(Summer 2009): 321-361.
Lansing, Michael J., "'Salvaging the Man Power of America': Conservation, Manhood, and Disabled Veterans during World War I," _Environmental History_ 14(Jan. 2009): 32–57.
Longmore, Paul K. "Disability Rights Activism," in Heather Thompson, ed., _Speaking Out with Many Voices: Documenting American Activism and Protest in the 1960s and 1970s_ (Prentice-Hall 2009).
Robertson, Jo. "The Leprosy Asylum in India: 1886-1947," _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(2009): 429-473.
Turda, Marius. "'To End the Degeneration of a Nation': Debates on Eugenic Sterilization in Interwar Romania," _Medical History_ 53(1) (January 2009): 77-104.
Verstraete, P. & Hellinckx, W. (Eds.) (2009). Met een handicap naar school: Het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van het onderwijs aan kinderen en jongeren met een handicap (1750-1970). Ieper: Stedelijk Onderwijsmuseum [Translated into English - With a disability to school: The emergence and development of educational initiatives for children and youth with a disability (1750-1970)].
Zina Weygand, _The Blind in French Society from the Middle Ages to the Century of Louis Braille_ (Stanford University Press)---now available in an English translation, and as an electronic book through
Susan Burch, ed., _Encyclopedia of American Disability History_ (Facts on File, 2009; 3 vol.).
Geoffrey Reaume, _Remembrance of Patients Past: Patient Life at the Toronto Hospital for the Insane, 1870-1940_, Second Edition [originally published in 2000 by Oxford U Press Canada] Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Nadja Durbach, _Spectacle of Deformity: Freak Shows and Modern British Culture_ (University of California Press 2009).
Camilla Obel and Roslyn Kerr reviewed Steve Bailey, _Athlete First: A History of the Paralympic Movement_ (John Wiley 2008) and P. David Howe, _The Cultural Politics of the Paralympic Movement--Through an Anthropological Lens_ (Routledge 2008), in _Leisure Studies_ 28(4) (October 2009): 497-500.
Anna Crozier reviewed Richard C. Keller, _Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa_ (University of Chicago Press 2007), in _Africa_ 79(3)(August 2009): 471-472.
Geoffrey Reaume reviewed Benjamin Reiss, _Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums and Nineteenth-Century American Culture_ (University of Chicago Press, 2008), in _The American Historical Review_ 114:3 (June
2009): 758-759.
Gerald N. Grob reviewed David Healy, _Mania: A Short History of Bipolar Disorder_ (Johns Hopkins University Press 2008), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(4)(2009): 556-558.
Aleksandra Pfau, "Madness in the realm: Narratives of mental illness in late medieval France" (PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2008).
Audra R. Jennings, "With Minds Fixed on the Horrors of War: Liberalism and Disability Activism, 1940-1960" (PhD, Ohio State University 2008).
Sarah Frances Rose, "No Right to be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1850-1930" (PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago 2008).
Contributions received this month from: Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri (via DS-HUM), Pieter Verstraete, Paul Longmore. Catherine Kudlick, Susan Burch, Daniel Wilson, Kristina Richardson, Geoffrey Reaume, John Erlen, Kim Nielsen
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
The usual caveats:
1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors).
Arnold, David. "Diabetes in the Tropics: Race, Place and Class in India, 1880-1965," _Social History of Medicine_ 22(2009): 245-261.
Devinsky, Janna, Daniel Lowenstein, and Richard McElrea, "Harold Shaw and the Ross Sea Party: Epilepsy in the Antarctic," _Journal of the History of the Neurosciences_ 18(3)(July 2009): 320-328.
Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich, "A Mirror for Deaf Ears? A Medieval Mystery," _Electronic British Library Journal_ (2008)article 9: 1-17.
Galusca, Roxana. "From Fictive Ability to National Identity: Disability, Medical Inspection and Public Health Regulations on Ellis Island," _Cultural Critique_ 72(Spring 2009): 137-163.
Lyle, Louise. "French Perspectives on Eugenics as Seen Through Selected Writings of Georges Duhamel," _French Cultural Studies_ 20(3) (2009): 257-272.
Martinez-Perez, Jose. "Consolidando el modelo medico de discapacidad: sobre la poliomielitis y la constitucion de la traumatologia y ortopedia como especialidad en Espana (1930-1950)" ["Consolidating the medical model of disability:on poliomyelitis and the constitution of orthopedic surgery and orthopaedics as a specialty in Spain (1930-1950)"], _Asclepio, Revista de la Medicina y de la Cinecia_ LXI (enero-junio 2009): 117-42. [in Spanish]
Meeuf, Russell, "John Wayne as 'Supercrip': Disabled Bodies and the Construction of 'Hard' Masculinity in The Wings of Eagles," _Cinema Journal_ 48(Winter 2009): 88–113.
Suzannah Biernoff reviewed Fae Brauer and Anthea Callen, eds., _Art, Sex, and Eugenics: Corpus Delecti_ (Ashgate 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(2009): 407-409.
Michael Mezzano Jr. reviewed Mark A. Largent, _Breeding Contempt: The History of Coerced Sterilizations in the United States_ (Rutgers UP 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(2009): 409-410.
Akinobu Takabayashi reviewed Lee-Ann Monk, _Attending Madness: At Work in the Australian Colonial Asylum_ (Rodopi 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(2009): 427-428.
Taylor, Steven J., _Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors_ (Syracuse University Press, 2009).
Mooney, Graham, and Jonathan Reinarz, ed. _Permeable Walls: Historical Perspectives on Hospital and Asylum Visiting_ (Clio Medica 86)(Rodopi 2009).
Contributions received this month from: Kristina Richardson, Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri (via DS-HUM), John Erlen, Daniel Wilson
compiled byPenny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
RESOURCE: Abnormal Website
Sunday, June 7, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
Introduction: About once a month (supply allowing), we post a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. We also include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations. Contributions are always welcomed offlist and are compiled into subsequent postings by the editor.
The usual caveats:
1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors).
Kirby, Stephanie, and Wendy Madsen. "Institutionalised Isolation: Tuberculosis Nursing at Westwood Sanatorium, Queensland, Australia, 1919-55," _Nursing Inquiry_ 16(2)(2009): 122-132.
Mollerhoj, Jette. "Encountering Hysteria: Doctors' and Patients' Perspectives on Hysteria in Denmark, 1875-1918," _History of Psychiatry_ 20(2009): 163-183.
Vanobbergen, Bruno. "Changing perspectives on the child at risk at the end of the nineteenth century: The Belgian Maritime Hospital Roger de Grimberghe (1884-1914) as a space of inclusion and exclusion," _Disability and Society_ 24(4)(2009): 425-436.
Ronnie Johnston reviewed Jamie L. Bronstein, _Caught in the Machinery: Workplace Accidents and Injured Workers in Nineteenth- Century Britain_ (Stanford UP 2008), in _English Historical Review_ 124(508)(2009): 735-736.
Kacie Glenn reviewed Susan M. Schweik, _The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public_ (NYU Press 2009) in _The Chronicle of Higher Education_ 55(36) (May 15, 2009):
online here:
Gerald N. Grob reviewed Joseph Melling and Bill Forsythe, _The Politics of Madness: The State, Insanity, and Society in England, 1845-1914_ (Routledge 2006), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(3)(2009): 379-381.
Liah Greenfeld reviewed Pamela Dale and Joseph Melling, eds., _Mental Illness and Learning Disability Since 1850: Finding a Place for Mental Disorder in the United Kingdom_ (Routledge 2006), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(3)(2009): 396-398.
Susan J. Wurtzburg reviewed Susan Burch and Hannah Joyner, _Unspeakable: The Story of Junius Wilson_ (University of North Carolina Press 2007), in _Oral History Review_ 36(1)(2009): 153-156.
Hugh Freeman reviewed Edward Shorter and David Healy, _Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness_ (Rutgers UP 2007), in _History of Psychiatry_ 20(2009): 249.
Gabriela Brimmer, _Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices_ (UPNE/Brandeis University Press 2009).
John C. Burnham, _Accident Prone: A History of Technology, Psychology, and Misfits of the Machine Age_ (University of Chicago Press 2009).
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, _Staring: How We Look_ (Oxford UP 2009).
Richardson, Kristina L. (PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008): "Blighted Bodies and Physical Difference in Cairo, Damascus and Mecca, 1400-1550"
Hanganu-Bresch, Cristina (PhD, University of Minnesota 2008): "Faces of Depression: A Study of Antidepressant Advertisements in the American and British Journals of Psychiatry, 1960-2004"
Fratz, Deborah Mae (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2008): "Disabled Subjects: Disability, Gender, and Ethical Agency in Victorian Realism"
Contributions received this month from: Susan Schweik, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Kristina RIchardson, John Erlen
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
ANNOUCEMENT: The University of California Center for Special Education, Disabilities, & Developmental Risk
The faculty steering committee has constituted itself with the charge of leading the UC system in establishing a California-wide Center for Research in Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk (SPEDDR) as a Multi-Campus Research Unit that will unify and solidify UC resources. Primary aims of the Center are to enhance the University of California’s ability to attract from a national pool of talented students, win large extramural grants, improve national visibility of UC efforts, and enhance the doctoral preparation of the next generation of research, teacher education, and other related public service doctorates. Already, UCSB, UCR, UCSD, and UCLA and the UC Office of the President have each made ongoing financial commitments to the Center, and UCD and UCB have indicated their support.
ANNOUCEMENT: Access to "Autism Research
The International Society for Autism Research's journal - "Autism Research" is available for a limited time to all libraries on a complimentary basis. If you would like your institution to carry this journal please ask your librarian to email for more details and to register for complimentary online access to Autism Research. This is a time limited offer... and a great way to support the Society.
For more information on the journal, visit:
Monday, May 4, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.
She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:
"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."
Amsing, Hilda T. A. and Fedor H. deBeer, "Selecting Children with Mental Disabilities: A Dutch Conflict over the Demarcation of Expertise in the 1950s," _Paedagogica Historica_ 45(1&2)(2009): 235-250.
Jones, Ross. "Removing Some of the Dust from the Wheels of Civilization: William Ernest Jones and the 1928 Commonwealth Survey of Mental Deficiency," _Australian Historical Studies_ 40(1)(March 2009): [no pages, sorry].
Kudlick, Catherine J. "Guy de Maupassant, Louisa May Alcott, and Youth At Risk: Lessons from the New Paradigm of Disability," _Paedagogica Historica_ 45(1&2)(2009): 37-49.
Martins, Catarina S. "'Do You Hear with your Ears or with your Eyes?': The Education of Deaf Pupils at Casa Pia de Lisboa (c1820-1950)," _Paedagogica Historica_ 45(1&2)(2009): 103-116.
Olyan, Saul M. "The Ascription of Physical Disability as a Stigmatizing Strategy in Biblical Iconic Polemics," _Journal of Hebrew Scriptures_ 9(14)(2009): online here as a PDF:
Symeonidou, Simoni. "The Experience of Disability Activism through the Development of the Disability Movement: How do Disabled Activists Find their Way in Politics," _Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research_ 11(1)(March 2009): 17-34.
Thomas Augst reviewed Benjamin Reiss, _Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums & Nineteenth-Century American Culture_ (University of Chicago Press 2008), in _Common-Place_ 9(3)(April 2009): online here (open- access):
Rebecca Raphael reviewed Hector Avalos, Sarah J. Melcher, and Jeremy Schipper, eds., _This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies_ (Society of Biblical Literature 2007) in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 83(1) (2009): [no pages, sorry].
Priscilla Wald reviewed Heather Munro Prescott, _Student Bodies: The Influence of Student Health Services in American Society and Medicine_ (University of Michigan Press 2007) in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 83(1)(2009): [no pages, sorry].
Andreas Killen reviewed Petteri Pietikainen, _Neurosis and MOdernity: The Age of Nervousness in Sweden_ (Brill 2007), in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 83(1)(2009): [no pages, sorry].
Philip R. Reilly reviewed Ian Dowbiggin, _The Sterilization Movement and Global Fertility in the Twentieth Century_ (Oxford UP 2008), in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 83(1)(2009): [no pages, sorry].
Karen Buckle reviewed Roberta Bivins and John V. Pickstone, eds., _Medicine, Madness and Social History: Essays in Honour of Roy Porter_ (Palgrave 2007), in _Journal of Contemporary History_ 44(2009): 337-338.
Patrick McDonagh, _Idiocy: A Cultural History_ (Liverpool University Press 2009).
Kim Nielsen, _Beyond the Miracle Worker: The Remarkable Life of Anne Sullivan Macy and Her Extraordinary Friendship with Helen Keller_ (Beacon Press 2009).
Contributions received this month from: John Erlen, Tim Stainton, Kim Nielsen, Hal Cook
Compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.
She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:
"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."
Barager, "'From the Periphery Towards the Center': Locating An Alternative Genealogy for Disability Studies in Audre Lorde’s The Cancer Journals," UCLA _Center for the Study of Women: Thinking Gender Papers_ (February 1, 2009):
Online here:
Capps, Donald. "Mental Illness, Religion, and the Rational Mind: The Case of Clifford W. Beers," _Mental Health, Religion, and Culture_ 12(2)(March 2009): 157-174.
Goodkin, Howard P. "The Founding of the American Epilepsy Society: 1936," _Epilepsia_ 50(3)(2009): 566-570.
Larsson, Marina. "Families and Institutions for Shell-Shocked Soldiers in Australia After the First World War," _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 97-114.
Pietikainen, Petteri. "Strengthening the Will: Public Clinics for the Nervously Ill in Sweden in the First Half of the Twentieth Century," _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 115-132.
Stuckey, Michelle. "'Human Weeds': Dysgenic Breeders in Edith Summers Kelley’s Weeds" _UCLA Center for the Study of Women: Thinking Gender Papers_ (February 1, 2009):
Online here:
Alison Bashford reviewed Emily K. Abel, _Tuberculosis and the Politics of Exclusion: A History of Public Health and Migration to Los Angeles_ (Rutgers University Press 2007), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 186-187.
Stephanie Kirby reviewed Cynthia A. Connolly, _Saving Sickly Children: The Tuberculosis Preventorium in American Life, 1909-1970_ (Rutgers University Press 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1) (2009): 187-189.
Maria Silvia di Liscia reviewed Diego Armus, _La Ciudad Impura: Salud, Tuberculosis, y Cultura en Buenos Aires, 1870-1950_ (Edhasa 2007), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 189-191.
Ann Zulawski reviewed Jonathan D. Ablard, _Madness in Buenos Aires: Patients, Psychiatrists, and the Argentine State, 1880-1983_ (Ohio University Press/University of Calgary Press 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 209-211.
Nafsika Thalassis reviewed Thomas Bewley, _Madness to Mental Illness: A History of the Royal College of Psychiatrists_ (Cromwell Press 2008), in _Social History of Medicine_ 22(1)(2009): 208-209.
Julie Passanante Elman (PhD, George Washington University 2009): "Medicalizing Edutainment: Enforcing Disability in the Teen Body, 1970-2000"
Advisors: Melani McAlister and Robert McRuer
Marina Larsson, _Shattered Anzacs: Living with the Scars of War_ (UNSW Press 2009).
Contributions received this month from: Marina Larsson
compiled byPenny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Monday, March 30, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Disability History Association Newsletter now available!
I share an email from Cathy Kudlick...
Dear Historians of Disability,
At long last, the new edition of the Disability History Association Newsletter is available. In this meaty, 25+ page issue we have a number of terrific, thoughtful features including member profiles by Alice Wexler from the USA and Iain Hutchison from Scotland, as well as the first of a two-part interview with leading disability history scholar Henri-Jacques Stiker. We also have a report on the Disability History Conference held at San Francisco State University in August and a description of the holdings in disability history at the US National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. And we have information about new books, upcoming conferences, and blogs of interest to historians of disability.
At present, you can only get to the page by using this link, so please delete any older bookmarks you might have:
Thanks to everyone for your patience as we faced "overwhelming odds" to migrate the webpage, but now we at least have a new base and will build from there.
Best, Cathy Kudlick
President and Provocateur
Disability History Associaiton
Friday, March 20, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Calisphere -- share your University of California-created web sites with us
Do you have a web site you’d like to share that has been created by a UC campus faculty member, librarian, or researcher? Would you like to raise the visibility of a web site you’ve created? Is it an online exhibit, curated collection, or thematically-based grouping of materials? Does the web site feature resources such as photographs, maps, historical documents, current articles and research, multimedia, electronic books, or other online resources?
Let us know! We’d like to add it to Calisphere.
Calisphere, managed by the California Digital Library (CDL), provides public access to primary source materials and freely available UC-created web sites. Calisphere offers more than 150,000 digitized items—including photographs, documents, newspaper pages, political cartoons, works of art, diaries, transcribed oral histories, advertising, and other unique cultural artifacts—selected from the libraries, archives and museums of the UC campuses, and from cultural heritage organizations across California. Calisphere is also a gateway to UC-created web sites that reflect the diverse interests and scholarship of UC, including the humanities, social sciences, math, and science resources. To date, we have published citations to over 500 websites—and we’d like your help to expand our registry.
Who uses Calisphere?
Calisphere is freely available to the public and is used by a broad range of people including UC students, K-12 educators and the general public. By incorporating UC sites in Calisphere, we increase their visibility and make them more broadly available.
Send Us Your URLs
Friday, March 6, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.
She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:
"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."
Dawson, Lesel. "'A Thirsty Womb': Lovesickness, Green Sickness, Hysteria, and Uterine Fury," Chapter 2 in Dawson's _Lovesickness and Gender in Early Modern English Literature_ (September 2008): 46-91.
Meyer, Jessica. "Separating the Men from the Boys: Masculinity and Maturity in Understandings of Shell Shock in Britain," _Twentieth Century British History_ 20(1)(2009): 1-22.
Roman, Leslie G. "No Time for Nostalgia!: Asylum-Making, Medicalized Colonialism in British Columbia (1859-97), and Artistic Praxis for Social Transformation," _International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education_ 22(1)(January 2009): 17-63.
Sharpe, Robert L. "England's Legal Monsters," _Law, Culture, and the Humanities_ 5(1)(2009): 100-130.
Oliver Ready reviewed Angela Brintlinger and Ilya Vinitsky, eds. _Madness and the Mad in Russian Culture_ (University of Toronto Press 2007), in _The Modern Language Review_ 104(1)(January 2009): 306-307.
Nigel Ingham reviewed Corinne Manning, _Bye-Bye Charlie: Stories from the Vanishing World of Kew Cottages_ (University of New South Wales Press 2008) in _British Journal of Learning Disabilities_ 37(1) (February 2009): 86. [An oral history of Australia's "first and largest institution purse built for people iwth learning difficulties"]
Robert G. Moeller reviewed Carol Poore, _Disability in Twentieth- Century German Culture_ (University of Michigan Press 2007) in _German History_ 27(1)(2009): 171-173.
Ian Dowbiggin reviewed Marius Turda and Paul Weindling, eds., _Blood and Homeland: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900-1940_ (Central European University Press 2007), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(2) (2009): 266-268.
Richard Weikart reviewed Ian Dowbiggin, _The Sterilization Movement and Global Fertility in the Twentieth Century_ (Oxford University Press 2008), in _Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences_ 64(2)(2009): 270-271.
Michael Worboys reviewed Emily K. Abel, _Tuberculosis and the Politics of Exclusion: A History of Public Health and Migration to Los Angeles_ (Rutgers University Press 2007), in _Social History_ 34(1) (February 2009): 116.
John S. Haller Jr. reviewed N. Molina, _Fit to be Citizens? Public Health and Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939_ (University of California Press 2006), among other books, in "Review Essay: Health and the Politics of Race and Class," _Journal of Urban History_ 35(3)(March 2009): 432-441.
Amy Slaton reviewed John Carson, _The Measure of Merit: Talents, Intelligence, and Inequality in the French and American Republics, 1750-1940_ (), in _Technology and Culture_ 50(1)(January 2009): [no pages, sorry].
Katharine Hodgkin reviews Jeremy Schmidt, _Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Madness in Early Modern England_ (Ashgate 2007), in _History of Psychiatry_ 20(2009): 116-118.
Contributions received this month from: John Erlen
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Thursday, February 5, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.
She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:
"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."
Adams, Annmarie, Kevin Schwartzman, and David Theodore. "Collapse and Expand: Architecture and Tuberculosis Therapy in Montreal, 1909, 1933, 1954," _Technology and Culture_ 49(4)(October 2008): 908-942.
Blanck, Peter. "'The Right to Live in the World': Disability Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," _Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights_ (Spring 2008): [no pages, sorry].
Durgin, Patrick F. "Psychosocial Disability and Post-Ableist Poetics: The 'Case' of Hannah Weiner's Clairvoyant Journals," _Contemporary Women's Writing_ 2(2)(2008): 131-154.
Perlin, Michael L. "'Through the Wild Cathedral Evening': Barriers, Attitudes, Participatory Democracy, Professor tenBroek, and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities," _Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights_ (Spring 2008): [no pages, sorry].
Erin Sullivan reviewed Jeremy Schmidt's _Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Madness in Early Modern England_ (Ashgate 2007), in _History of the Human Sciences_ 22 (2009): 144-149.
Ulf Högberg reviewed Ian Dowbiggin, _The Sterilization Movement and Global Fertility in the Twentieth Century_ (Oxford UP 2008) in _The European Journal of Public Health_ 19(1)(November 2008): 121.
Steven J. Taylor, _Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors_ (Syracuse UP 2009).
Joseph John Murray (PhD, University of Iowa 2007): "A Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin: The Transnational Lives of Deaf Americans, 1870-1924"[AAT 3290674]
Contributions received this month from: Jonathon Erlen, Michael Yared, Joseph Murray
Compiled byPenny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT: Current Journal Articles on Disability History
About once a month, and appearing as an an occasional feature of H-Disability, Penny L. Richards, a PhD Research Scholar at the UCLA Center for the Study of Women and Co-editor of H-Education and H-Disability, compiles and posts a listing of recently published historical articles about disability (somewhat broadly defined). These articles are usually found on the "current periodicals" shelves at a university library, from the most recent two calendar years (right now, 2008-2009). Some of them are culled from online Table of Contents sites maintained by journal publishers. Additional sources include book chapters in new collections, cites for new books, and cites for review articles, new books, and new dissertations.
She welcomes contributions offlist that are compiled into subsequent postings. Her usual caveats for contributions are:
"1) your definitions of history and disability may exclude some of these articles, and include others;
2) listing here does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the articles involved; and
3) only English-language tables of contents or abstracts are usually culled (but works in other languages are welcome from contributors)."
Devlieger, Patrick, Ian Grosvenor, Frank Simon, Geert van Hove, and Bruno Vanobbergen, "Visualizing Disability in the Past," _Paedagogica Historica_ 44(6)(December 2008): 747-760.
Wilkinson, Penny, and Peter McGill. "Representation of People with Intellectual Disabilities in a British Newspaper in 1983 and 2001," _Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities_ 22(1) (2009): 65-76.
Wilson, Daniel J. "Psychological Trauma and its Treatment in the Polio Epidemics," _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 82(4)(Winter 2008): 848-877.
Julie Anderson, "Voices in the Dark: Representations of Disability in Historical Research," _Journal of Contemporary History_ 44(2009): 107-116, is a review essay on Pamela Dale and Joseph Melling (eds), _Mental Illness and Learning Disability Since 1850: Finding a Place for Mental Disorder in the United Kingdom_ (Routledge 2006); Waltraud Ernst (ed.), _Histories of the Normal and the Abnormal: Social and Cultural Histories of Norms and Normativity_ (Routledge 2006); and David M. Turner and Kevin Stagg (eds), _Social Histories of Disability and Deformity_ (Routledge 2006).
Susanne Klausen, "Rethinking Reproduction: New Approaches to the History of Sexuality, Gender, the Family, and Reproductive Control," _Journal of Contemporary History_ 44(2009): 117-127, is a review essay that covers, among other works, Joanna Schoen's _Choice and Coercion: Birth Control, Sterilization, and Abortion in Public Health and Welfare_ (UNC Press 2005), and Alexandra Stern, _Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America_ (UC Press 2005).
Virginia Berridge reviewed Didier Fassin (Amy Jacobs and Gabrielle Varro, trans.), _When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa_ (UC Press 2007), in _Journal of Contemporary History_ 44(2009): 153-155.
Geoffrey Cocks reviewed _Berlin Electropolis: Shock, Nerves, and German Modernity_ (UC Press 2006), in _Journal of Contemporary History_ 44(2009): 160-162.
Kathryn Brammall reviewed A. W. Bates, _Emblematic Monsters: Unnatural Conceptions and Deformed Births in Early Modern Europe_ (Editions Rodopi BV 2005), in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 82 (4)(Winter 2008): 933-934.
Françoise Guérard reviewed Thierry Nootens, _Fous, Prodigues, et Ivrognes: Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIX siècle_ (McGill- Queen's University Press 2007), in _Bulletin of the History of Medicine_ 82(4)(Winter 2008): 951-952.
Catherine J. Kudlick reviewed Carol Poore, _Disability in Twentieth- Century German Culture_ (University of Michigan Press 2007), in _Central European History_ 41(4)(December 2008): 696-698.
Stephen Verderber reviewed Carla Yanni, _The Architecture of Madness: Insane Asylums in the United States_ (University of Minnesota Press 2007) in _Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians_ 67(3)(September 2008): 458-459.
Contributions received this month from: Catherine J. Kudlick, John Erlen
compiled by
Penny L. Richards PhD
Research Scholar, UCLA Center for the Study of Women
Co-editor, H-Education and H-Disability